Guided tour
The hotel des Invalides

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The hotel des Invalides

L’hôtel des Invalides : l’église

Presentation :

Commissionned by Louis XIV and his war minister Louvois, designed by Liberal Bruant and JH Mansart (also known for the hall of mirrors in Versailles and the Place Vendôme in Paris) and inspired by the Escorial in Madrid, the Hotel des Invalides offered a permanent residence to invalid soldiers.The beautiful classical courtyard is bordered by the soldiers’ church which displays in its nave famous trophies from Napoleon’s campaigns and by the army museum.

The iconic Saint Louis church (the dome) which was once for the private use of the monarch, displays Visconti’s famous tomb of Napoleon I surrounded by his victories. 1840 saw the transfer of Napoleon’s remains from Sainte Hélène to Paris, thanks to Louis Philippe and his minister Adolphe Thiers.

L'hôtel des Invalides - Le tombeau de Napoléon 1er

The tomb of Napoleon I 

Usefull information  :

– Maximum number of participants : 25
– Meeting point : at the entrance at Les Invalides, 129 rue de Grenelle
– Duration : 2 hours
– Guided tour in English

Important : your group must be formed beforehand.
We cannot link single people to a group.

Prices :

– group up to 5 people : 100 €
– group package from 6 to 9 people : 120 €
– group from 10 people : 13 € per participant
– children less than 13 years : 8 €
– school groups or students : 10 € per participant (minimum 10 participants).

Participant must also pay the entrance fee of the museum, 14 € per participant.

Booking :

To book a guided tour, thank you for completing our form. We will get back to you shortly.

L’hôtel des Invalides : la cour d’honneur

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